5. Unscrew the crankshaft pulley bolt. Aspecial tool that engages with the recessed hex in the pulley opening is available to prevent the crankshaft from turning while unscrewing the bolt. If you can’t obtain one of these tools, remove the flywheel/drive plate inspection cover and wedge a screwdriver into the starter ring gear teeth.
6. Slide the pulley off the crankshaft.
7. Use a seal puller to remove the crank shaft front oil seal. A screwdriver may be used instead, if the tip is wrapped with tape to avoid scratching the crankshaft.
8. Clean the seal bore and check it for nicksor gouges. Also examine the area of the hub that rides in the seal for signs of abnormal wear or scoring. If necessary, replace it.
9. Coat the lip of the new seal with cleanengine oil and drive it into the bore with a seal driver or a socket slightly smaller in diameter than the seal. The open side of the seal faces into the engine.
10. Using clean engine oil, lubricate the sealing surface of the hub. Install the crankshaft pulley and tighten the bolt to the torque listed in this Chapter’s Specifications.
11. The remainder of installation is the reverse of the removal procedure.