

No brakes — pedal travels to floor

1 Low fluid level 1 and 2 Low fluid level and air in the system are symptoms of another problem a leak somewhere in the hydraulic system. Locate and repair the leak
2 Air in system
3 Defective seals in master cylinder 3 Replace master cylinder
4 Fluid overheated and vaporized due to heavy braking 4 Bleed hydraulic system (temporary fix). Replace brake fluid (proper fix)

Brake pedal slowly travels to floor under braking or at a stop

1 Defective seals in master cylinder 1 Replace master cylinder
2 Leak in a hose, line, caliper or wheel cylinder 2 Locate and repair leak
3 Air in hydraulic system 3 Bleed the system, inspect system for a leak

Brake pedal feels spongy when depressed

1 Air in hydraulic system 1 Bleed the system, inspect system for a leak
2 Master cylinder or power booster loose 2 Tighten fasteners
3 Brake fluid overheated (beginning to boil) 3 Bleed the system (temporary fix). Replace the brake fluid (proper fix)
4 Deteriorated brake hoses (ballooning under pressure) 4 Inspect hoses, replace as necessary (it’s a good idea to replace all of them if one hose shows signs of deterioration)

Brake pedal feels hard when depressed and/or excessive effort required to stop vehicle

1 Power booster faulty 1 Replace booster
2 Engine not producing sufficient vacuum, or hose to booster clogged, collapsed or cracked  2 Check vacuum to booster with a vacuum gauge. Replace hose if cracked or clogged, repair engine if vacuum is extremely low
3 Brake linings contaminated by grease or brake fluid 3 Locate and repair source of contamination, replace brake pads or shoes
4 Brake linings glazed 4 Replace brake pads or shoes, check discs and drums for glazing, service as necessary
5 Caliper piston(s) or wheel cylinder(s) binding or frozen 5 Replace calipers or wheel cylinders
6 Brakes wet 6 Apply pedal to boil-off water (this should only be a momentary problem)
7 Kinked, clogged or internally split brake hose or line 7 Inspect lines and hoses, replace as necessary

Excessive brake pedal travel (but will pump up)

1 Drum brakes out of adjustment 1 Adjust brakes
2 Air in hydraulic system 2 Bleed system, inspect system for a leak

Excessive brake pedal travel (but will not pump up)

1 Master cylinder pushrod misadjusted 1 Adjust pushrod
2 Master cylinder seals defective 2 Replace master cylinder
3 Brake linings worn out 3 Inspect brakes, replace pads and/or shoes
4 Hydraulic system leak 4 Locate and repair leak

Brake pedal doesn’t return

1 Brake pedal binding 1 Inspect pivot bushing and pushrod, repair or lubricate
2 Defective master cylinder 2 Replace master cylinder

Brake pedal pulsates during brake application

1 Brake drums out-of-round 1 Have drums machined by an automotive machine shop
2 Excessive brake disc runout or disc surfaces out-of-parallel 2 Have discs machined by an automotive machine shop
3 Loose or worn wheel bearings 3 Adjust or replace wheel bearings
4 Loose lug nuts 4 Tighten lug nuts

Brakes slow to release

1 Malfunctioning power booster 1 Replace booster
2 Pedal linkage binding 2 Inspect pedal pivot bushing and pushrod, repair/lubricate
3 Malfunctioning proportioning valve 3 Replace proportioning valve
4 Sticking caliper or wheel cylinder 4 Repair or replace calipers or wheel cylinders
5 Kinked or internally split brake hose 5 Locate and replace faulty brake hose

Brakes grab (one or more wheels)

1 Grease or brake fluid on brake lining 1 Locate and repair cause of contamination, replace lining
2 Brake lining glazed 2 Replace lining, deglaze disc or drum

Vehicle pulls to one side during braking

1 Grease or brake fluid on brake lining 1 Locate and repair cause of contamination, replace lining
2 Brake lining glazed 2 Deglaze or replace lining, deglaze disc or drum
3 Restricted brake line or hose 3 Repair line or replace hose
4 Tire pressures incorrect 4 Adjust tire pressures
5 Caliper or wheel cylinder sticking 5 Repair or replace calipers or wheel cylinders
6 Wheels out of alignment 6 Have wheels aligned
7 Weak suspension spring 7 Replace springs
8 Weak or broken shock absorber 8 Replace shock absorbers

Brakes drag (indicated by sluggish engine performance or wheels being very hot after driving)

1 Brake pedal pushrod incorrectly adjusted 1 Adjust pushrod
2 Master cylinder pushrod (between booster and master cylinder) 2 Adjust pushrod incorrectly adjusted
3 Obstructed compensating port in master cylinder 3 Replace master cylinder
4 Master cylinder piston seized in bore 4 Replace master cylinder
5 Contaminated fluid causing swollen seals throughout system 5 Flush system, replace all hydraulic components
6 Clogged brake lines or internally split brake hose(s) 6 Flush hydraulic system, replace defective hose(s)
7 Sticking caliper(s) or wheel cylinder(s) 7 Replace calipers or wheel cylinders
8 Parking brake not releasing as required 8 Inspect parking brake linkage and parking brake mechanism, repair as required
9 Improper shoe-to-drum clearance 9 Adjust brake shoes
10 Faulty proportioning valve 10 Replace proportioning valve

Brakes fade (due to excessive heat)

1 Brake linings excessively worn or glazed 1 Deglaze or replace brake pads and/or shoes
2 Excessive use of brakes 2 Downshift into a lower gear, maintain a constant slower speed (going down hills)
3 Vehicle overloaded 3 Reduce load
4 Brake drums or discs worn too thin 4 Measure drum diameter and disc thickness, replace drums or discs as required
5 Contaminated brake fluid 5 Flush system, replace fluid
6 Brakes drag 6 Repair cause of dragging brakes
7 Driver resting left foot on brake pedal 7 Don’t ride the brakes

Brakes noisy (high-pitched squeal)

1 Glazed lining 1 Deglaze or replace lining
2 Contaminated lining (brake fluid, grease, etc.) 2 Repair source of contamination, replace linings
3 Weak or broken brake shoe hold-down or return spring 3 Replace springs
4 Rivets securing lining to shoe or backing plate loose 4 Replace shoes or pads
5 Excessive dust buildup on brake linings 5 Wash brakes off with brake system cleaner
6 Brake drums worn too thin 6 Measure diameter of drums, replace if necessary
7 Wear indicator on disc brake pads contacting disc 7 Replace brake pads
8 Anti-squeal shims missing or installed improperly 8 Install shims correctly

Brakes noisy (scraping sound)

1 Brake pads or shoes worn out; rivets, backing plate or brake 1 Replace linings, have discs and/or drums machined (or replace) shoe metal contacting disc or drum

Brakes chatter

1 Worn brake lining 1 Inspect brakes, replace shoes or pads as necessary
2 Glazed or scored discs or drums 2 Deglaze discs or drums with sandpaper (if glazing is severe, machining will be required)
3 Drums or discs heat checked 3 Check discs and/or drums for hard spots, heat checking, etc. Have discs/drums machined or replace them
4 Disc runout or drum out-of-round excessive 4 Measure disc runout and/or drum out-of-round, have discs or drums machined or replace them
5 Loose or worn wheel bearings 5 Adjust or replace wheel bearings
6 Loose or bent brake backing plate (drum brakes) 6 Tighten or replace backing plate
7 Grooves worn in discs or drums 7 Have discs or drums machined, if within limits (if not, replace them)
8 Brake linings contaminated (brake fluid, grease, etc.) 8 Locate and repair source of contamination, replace pads or shoes
9 Excessive dust buildup on linings 9 Wash brakes with brake system cleaner
10 Surface finish on discs or drums too rough after machining 10 Have discs or drums properly machined (especially on vehicles with sliding calipers)
11 Brake pads or shoes glazed 11 Deglaze or replace brake pads or shoes

Brake pads or shoes click

1 Shoe support pads on brake backing plate grooved or 1 Replace brake backing plate excessively worn
2 Brake pads loose in caliper 2 Loose pad retainers or anti-rattle clips
3 Also see items listed under Brakes chatter

Brakes make groaning noise at end of stop

1 Brake pads and/or shoes worn out 1 Replace pads and/or shoes
2 Brake linings contaminated (brake fluid, grease, etc.) 2 Locate and repair cause of contamination, replace brake pads or shoes
3 Brake linings glazed 3 Deglaze or replace brake pads or shoes
4 Excessive dust buildup on linings 4 Wash brakes with brake system cleaner
5 Scored or heat-checked discs or drums 5 Inspect discs/drums, have machined if within limits (if not, replace discs or drums)
6 Broken or missing brake shoe attaching hardware 6 Inspect drum brakes, replace missing hardware

Rear brakes lock up under light brake application

1 Tire pressures too high 1 Adjust tire pressures
2 Tires excessively worn 2 Replace tires
3 Defective proportioning valve 3 Replace proportioning valve

Brake warning light on instrument panel comes on (or stays on)

1 Low fluid level in master cylinder reservoir (reservoirs with fluid level sensor) 1 Add fluid, inspect system for leak, check the thickness of the brake pads and shoes
2 Failure in one half of the hydraulic system 2 Inspect hydraulic system for a leak
3 Piston in pressure differential warning valve not centered 3 Center piston by bleeding one circuit or the other (close bleeder valve as soon as the light goes out)
4 Defective pressure differential valve or warning switch 4 Replace valve or switch
5 Air in the hydraulic system 5 Bleed the system, check for leaks
6 Brake pads worn out (vehicles with electric wear sensors — small 6 Replace brake pads (and sensors) probes that fit into the brake pads and ground out on the disc when the pads get thin)

Disc brakes do not self adjust

1 Defective caliper piston seals 1 Replace calipers. Also, possible contaminated fluid causing soft or swollen seals (flush system and fill with new fluid if in doubt)
2 Corroded caliper piston(s) 2 Same as above

Drum brakes do not self adjust

1 Adjuster screw frozen 1 Remove adjuster, disassemble, clean and lubricate with high-temperature grease
2 Adjuster lever does not contact star wheel or is binding 2 Inspect drum brakes, assemble correctly or clean or replace parts as required
3 Adjusters mixed up (installed on wrong wheels after brake job) 3 Reassemble correctly
4 Adjuster cable broken or installed incorrectly (cable-type adjusters) 4 Install new cable or assemble correctly

Rapid brake lining wear

1 Driver resting left foot on brake pedal 1 Don’t ride the brakes
2 Surface finish on discs or drums too rough 2 Have discs or drums properly machined
3 Also see Brakes drag
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