Headlights — adjustment

Caution: The headlights must be aimed correctly. If adjusted incorrectly they could blind the driver of an oncoming vehicle and cause a serious accident or seriously reduce your ability to see the road. The headlights should be checked for correct aim every 12 months and any time a new headlight is installed or front-end body work is performed. It should be emphasized that the following procedure is only an interim step that will provide temporary a Justen until a properly equipped shop can adjust the headlights.

1. The vertical adjuster (see illustration) is located on the upper backside of each headlight housing. Use a Phillips screwdriver to turn the adjusters (see illustration). There are no horizontal adjustment screws.

i.1a the vertical adjuster is located on the upper backside of each headlight housing

Honda Civic & CRV Chassis electrical system | Headlights - adjustment

i.1b Using a Phillips screwdriver, adjust the headlight by turning the adjuster clockwise for Up and counterclockwise for Down

Honda Civic & CRV Chassis electrical system | Headlights - adjustment

2. There are several methods for adjusting the headlights. The simplest method requires masking tape, a blank wall and a level floor.

3. Position masking tape vertically on the wall in relation to the vehicle centerline and in relation to the centerlines of both headlights (see illustration).

i.3 Headlight adjustment details

4. Position a horizontal tape line in reference to the centerline of all the headlights. Note: It might be easier to position the tape on the wall with the vehicle parked only a few inches away.

5. Adjustment should be made with the vehicle parked 25 feet from the wall, sitting level, the gas tank half-full and no heavy load in the vehicle.

6. With the low beams turned on, position the high intensity zone so it is two inches below the horizontal line.

7. With the high beams on, the high intensity zone should be vertically centered with the exact center just below the horizontal line. Notelet might not be possible to position the headlight aim exactly for both high and low beams. If a compromise must be made, keep in mind that the low beams are the most used and have the greatest effect on safety.

8. If you have any difficulty adjusting the headlights, have them adjusted by a dealer service department as soon as possible.

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